All systems are operational

Past Incidents

8th March 2023

No incidents reported

7th March 2023

New Jersey Datacenter Partial Network Outage in New Jersey

We are aware that several nodes located in our New Jersey datacenter location is experiencing network connectivity issues. This issue appears to be confined to one specific rack of ours located in New Jersey.

The upstream is currently looking into this, and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

6th March 2023

San Jose Datacenter OUTAGE - SJ119KVM

We are aware that SJ119KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

5th March 2023

Miami Datacenter MIA1000 (One Shared Hosting Server in Miami) - Degraded MySQL Performance

We are creating this status incident to inform you that we are aware that MIA1000 (one of our shared hosting servers located in Miami) is currently experiencing degraded MySQL related performance as a result of a recent FSCK check. The web server as well as the server itself is online and functional, though if your website hosted on MIA1000 interacts with MySQL, you may experience degraded database performance during this time.

Our systems administrators are actively looking into the issue, and we will update this status incident once this matter has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.

Note: You may experience extremely brief/intermittent outages during this time.

UPDATE: We have a grasp of the situation for the most part, and most websites hosted on MIA1000 with MySQL connectivity is restored. A small number of websites are still experiencing intermittent MySQL related issues, we are working on investigating those one by one. We appreciate your patience while we work through this, and will update this status incident with more information once available. As mentioned earlier, websites as a whole may experience brief MySQL database connection interruptions while we work on this matter.

UPDATE: For the accounts that are still having MySQL issues, we have determined that the best course of action is to restore databases from the latest available backup. We are proceeding with that now.

UPDATE: Progress is being made, and more accounts are being restored to normal operation. If your website database is still not functioning properly you can safely assume at this time that we are still working on it, and we thank you for your patience.

UPDATE / RESOLUTION: We are pleased to bring this incident to a close. All databases have been restored, and data is fully intact. A majority of websites hosted on this server should already be back to normal operation without any manual intervention required. If your website is still not functioning properly, then it is possible that there is a database-dbuser permission issue specific to your environment, and in this case to resolve it, you will simply need to manually re-create the database user and associate it to the database with all permissions granted. Below are the steps to do so:

Step #1: Log into your cPanel account

Step #2: Go to cPanel > MySQL Databases

Step #3: Delete the database username (the username, not the database itself). Once you are on that page, scroll all the way down and under "Current Users", click Delete on the respective database username. Do not delete the database — only the database user. As you are only removing the database user, you will not incur any data loss as a result of this process.

Step #4: Create a new user under the "Add New User" section, and note down the MySQL username and password that you used (you will need this for the last step)

Step #5: Under "Add User to Database" section in the cPanel MySQL databases page, associate your database with the new database user that you created and grant it all permissions. If you have multiple databases in your cPanel account, pay attention to ensure you are associating the correct database to the correct user.

Step #6: Lastly, update your website's configuration file (for example - if you are using Wordpress, it'd be within wp-config.php) to reflect the new DB_USER and DB_PASS. Do not modify the DB_NAME section, only the DB_USER and DB_PASS to reflect the details you created in Step #4. Once modified, save changes to the configuration file. Verify your website is loading fine by visiting it on your web browser.

If you require any assistance, or would like for us to perform this for you, please feel free to reach out. Our support team is available 24x7 to help.

Dallas Datacenter OUTAGE - DAL109KVM

We are aware that DAL109KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

4th March 2023

Chicago Datacenter Emergency Maintenance on CHI135KVM

We will be taking host node CHI135KVM (one KVM VPS node in Chicago) offline shortly for an emergency maintenance (RAID card replacement). Customers on this host node were sent an email with additional information.

Estimated downtime is less than one hour. We will update this status incident once resolved.

UPDATE: The maintenance window is now completed and we are continuing to closely monitor the health of this server. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Chicago Datacenter OUTAGE - CHI135KVM

We are aware that CHI135KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

3rd March 2023

Seattle Datacenter OUTAGE - SEA109KVM

We are aware that SEA109KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Chicago Datacenter OUTAGE - CHI112KVM

We are aware that CHI112KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Dallas Datacenter OUTAGE - DAL111KVM

We are aware that DAL111KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Seattle Datacenter OUTAGE - SEA108KVM

We are aware that SEA108KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.