6th August 2024

Seattle Datacenter Host Node Migration - SEA100KVM to SEA142KVM

Unfortunately, it appears that SEA100KVM (one of our KVM VPS host nodes in Seattle) is still experiencing hardware issues despite our recent efforts. In this case, we have determined that the best resolution path in this case would be to "drain" this hypervisor and retire it, by migrating all VMs over to a new and stable hypervisor. We are working on migrating all VMs hosted on this server over to another hypervisor (SEA142KVM) to help ensure stability. No IP changes will be needed and all data will be migrated intact seamlessly. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide an exact ETA for individual migrations but we expect all migrations from SEA100KVM -> SEA142KVM to be completed within the next 24 hours or less.

You can watch this video to learn what node name your VPS is hosted on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXZhXkjSSdg -- once it no longer shows "SEA100KVM" you will know the migration has been completed for your particular VPS instance.

UPDATE: All migrations have been completed to SEA142KVM, and SEA100KVM is now officially retired and put out of production. We are now closing this incident as resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues, or if you have any questions, please feel free to open a support ticket.