Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

28th June 2023

No incidents reported

27th June 2023

Atlanta Datacenter Network Connectivity in Atlanta Datacenter

We are aware of some network connectivity being impacted within our Atlanta datacenter. We will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Atlanta Datacenter OUTAGE - ATL115KVM

We are aware that ATL115KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Los Angeles DC-02 OUTAGE - Shared/Reseller Hosting Server - FIBER5

We are aware that Shared/Reseller Hosting Server - FIBER5 is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: We have implemented some enhanced firewall and web server level rules to help prevent unwanted traffic and attacks towards this server. This is a temporary measure to ensure this server fully stabilizes. During this time, you may experience false positives in your uptime monitors (if you are using any), though rest assured, your website is actually up and loading fine.

UPDATE: We are continuing to monitor the stability of this server.

UPDATE: Services look to be stabilized and we have reduced the sensitivity of the firewall. We will continue to keep a close eye on this server. In the meantime, while sensitivity is heavily reduced, enhanced rules are still in place, so you may still experience some false positives in your uptime monitors (if you are using any).

26th June 2023

Atlanta Datacenter OUTAGE - ATL125KVM

We are aware that ATL125KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Los Angeles DC-02 OUTAGE - LAXSSD5802nerd2DC02

We are aware that LAXSSD5802nerd2DC02 is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

25th June 2023

San Jose Datacenter OUTAGE - SJ135KVM

We are aware that SJ135KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Dallas Datacenter OUTAGE - DAL108KVM

We are aware that DAL108KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

24th June 2023

Atlanta Datacenter OUTAGE - ATLRYZEN100

We are aware that ATLRYZEN100 is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: We are actively troubleshooting the continued unexpected issues with this host node. More updates to follow.

UPDATE: This is online for now, we are still closely monitoring/watching this node and attempting to identify a permanent resolution path. Thank you for your patience and understanding in the meantime.

New York Datacenter OUTAGE - NYRN185KVM

We are aware that NYRN185KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.