All systems are operational

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Defining Hypervisors and Nodes

Interpreting Status Meanings

For VPS Customers

Important Notes

Past Incidents

6th February 2025

No incidents reported

5th February 2025

No incidents reported

4th February 2025

San Jose Datacenter OUTAGE - 7950XSJ300

We are aware that 7950XSJ300 is currently experiencing connectivity issues.

We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Dallas Datacenter Partial Outage in Dallas Datacenter

We are aware that two of our cabinets in our Dallas location are currently experiencing issues.

We are currently looking into this further with our datacenter partner, and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: We have one of the cabinets fully back online, we will provide an additional update shortly.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

3rd February 2025

Los Angeles DC-02 Outage - LAXSSD600nerd1DC02

We are aware that LAXSSD600nerd1DC02 is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Frankfurt Datacenter OUTAGE- DE1000 Shared Hosting Server

We are aware that DE1000 Shared Hosting Server is currently experiencing connectivity issues.

We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

2nd February 2025

No incidents reported

1st February 2025

Los Angeles DC-02 MySQL Issues - Fiber13 Shared Hosting Server

We are investigating a MySQL issue with the Fiber13 server (one of our shared hosting servers in Los Angeles). We will update this incident once more information is available.

Service availability may be intermittent while our engineers work on this issue.

UPDATE: Our senior engineers alongside with cPanel support are working on implementing a permanent solution. Service availability may fluctuate and be intermittent while this is being worked on. Thank you for your patience during this time.

UPDATE: The issue has been completely resolved. All websites hosted on Fiber13 are now loading as expected. We will continue to monitor the server closely to ensure stability. If you experience any issues, please reach out to our support team. Thank you for your patience.