All systems are operational

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To help you better interpret the information presented here, please keep the following in mind:

Defining Hypervisors and Nodes

Interpreting Status Meanings

For VPS Customers

Important Notes

Past Incidents

27th July 2024

New York Datacenter Scheduled Maintenance: P005NYKVM and NYRN145KVM

A scheduled maintenance window event is currently ongoing within one of our cabinets in our New York datacenter, which impacts 2x physical hypervisors in this location (P005NYKVM and NYRN145KVM). Affected clients were sent an e-mail notification regarding this scheduled maintenance event earlier along with full details.

This maintenance is now in progress, and being actively worked on. We will update this status incident once fully resolved.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Dallas Datacenter Outage - DAL114KVM

We are aware that DAL114KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues.

We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Singapore Datacenter OUTAGE - SG1000 Shared Hosting Server

We are aware that SG1000 Shared Hosting Server is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

26th July 2024

Miami Datacenter OUTAGE - MIA1000 (One Shared/Reseller Hosting Server in Miami, Florida)

We are aware that MIA1000 (One Shared/Reseller Hosting Server in Miami, Florida) is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

25th July 2024

Chicago Datacenter Outage - CHI114KVM

We are aware that CHI114KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Los Angeles DC-03 Scheduled Power Maintenance - Los Angeles DC-03

We are writing to inform you about an upcoming maintenance event at our datacenter facility in Los Angeles DC-03. The facility management will be performing power maintenance on the entire 8th floor, which impacts RackNerd as well as many other providers within that floor. This maintenance involves the replacement of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) unit. Due to this being one of the facility's final pieces of legacy equipment, a wraparound (MBP) is not currently in place, and therefore we must manually transition affected cabinets to temporary power to avoid prolonged downtime.

The maintenance will be carried out in two phases:

  1. Moving servers to temporary power (details below)
  2. Transitioning from temporary power to the new UPS unit (exact date to be determined, likely a few days after the temporary power maintenance)

Details for the first phase:

Date of Maintenance: July 31, 2024

Start Time: 8:30 AM Pacific

Expected Downtime: 30 to 60 minutes

We anticipate a downtime of 30 to 60 minutes from a facility perspective as we transition the power of the cabinets over to temporary power.

NOTE: This status incident is currently marked as resolved. We will move this status incident to "Investigating" status when the maintenance window is active on July 31, 2024.

UPDATE: This maintenance event is now ongoing.

UPDATE: These should be concluded shortly, affected cabinets are starting to get transitioned over to the temporary power feed now.

UPDATE: Significant progress is being made and a majority of affected infrastructure is already back online. We'll update once this is fully concluded.

UPDATE: This should now be completed and servers should have been automatically powered on -- if your affected server is still offline, please attempt to power on it on via IPMI, or contact our Support Department for assistance. We remain available and on standby, ready to assist.

24th July 2024

Chicago Datacenter OUTAGE - CHI111KVM

We are aware that CHI111KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Dallas Datacenter OUTAGE - DAL163KVM

We are aware that DAL163KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

23rd July 2024

San Jose Datacenter SJ142KVM - Permanent Resolution Path

Due to the continued hardware stability issues with SJ142KVM, we have determined that the best resolution path in this case would be to "drain" this hypervisor and retire it, by migrating all VMs over to a new and stable hypervisor. We are working on migrating all VMs hosted on this server over to another hypervisor (SJ232KVM) to help ensure stability. No IP changes will be needed and all data will be migrated intact seamlessly. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide an exact ETA for individual migrations but we expect all migrations from SJ142KVM -> SJ232KVM to be completed within the next 24-48 hours.

You can watch this video to learn what node name your VPS is hosted on: -- once it no longer shows "SJ142KVM" you will know the migration has been completed for your particular VPS instance.

UPDATE: All migrations have been completed to SJ232KVM, and SJ142KVM is now officially retired and put out of production. We are now closing this incident as resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues, or if you have any questions, please feel free to open a support ticket.

Chicago Datacenter OUTAGE- CHI111KVM

We are aware that CHI111KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues.

We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

New York Datacenter OUTAGE - NYRN100KVM

We are aware that NYRN100KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

San Jose Datacenter OUTAGE- SJ142KVM

We are aware that SJ142KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

Seattle Datacenter Outage - SEA135KVM

We are aware that SEA135KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues.

We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

22nd July 2024

Los Angeles DC-02 OUTAGE - LAXSSD7001nerd2DC02

We are aware that LAXSSD7001nerd2DC02 is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.

San Jose Datacenter OUTAGE - SJ155KVM

We are aware that SJ155KVM is currently experiencing connectivity issues. We are currently looking into this node further and will provide additional updates on this matter once we have more information.

UPDATE: This is now resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to assist.